Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you ship from?

We ship from Ottawa, Canada.

How long does shipping take?

That depends on where you live! After your item has been dropped off at the post office:
- If you live in Canada, delivery can take anywhere between 3-6 business days.
- If you live in USA, delivery can take between 6 to 14 business days.
- For everywhere else, shipping times can vary between 5-21 business days. 

Do I get a tracking number?

To make shipping cost as affordable as possible, regular Canada Post letter mail does not provide tracking. Tracking number will only be provided for express shipping what the option is selected.


Can I cancel my order?

Please contact us with your name and order number at as soon as possible. 

Unfortunately we cannot cancel an order after it has been dispatched.


Do you accept returns?

We want to ensure every customer is happy. If you have any problems with your order, please drop an email at

If you wish to return an item, simply email us at the above address within 7 days of delivery and we will arrange a return for you. Items must be returned in its unused, original condition. Please understand that it is the buyers responsibility for the cost of returning items.


I received my items but something is missing or damaged, what do I do?

We want you to be happy with your purchase! please contact us first by email at with your order number and which item is at fault or missing.